[liberationtech] Mythopoeic overguidance and human autonomy

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Wed Nov 20 23:04:17 PST 2013

Basically I argue that freedom is attainable if we get religion (sort
of) and sail among the stars.  And law is rational only if it purposes
a myth, such as that one.  http://zelea.com/w/Stuff:Votorola/p/nMy

    1.  Collective autonomy: a methodological argument

        1.1.  The basic argument

        1.2.  The feasibility of a consensus myth

    2.  Individual autonomy: a subjective argument

        2.1.  Freeing the aesthetic practice of formal consensus

        2.2.  The subjective argument

    3.  Autonomy in immortality: a mythic argument

    4.  Reflections in the light of mythopoeic overguidance

I post this mostly as a matter of record.  It might be of interest to
others (it's nominally on topic), but I'm unsure whether the arguments
are sound, or even original.  I'm just starting the initial research.

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

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