[liberationtech] Brazil and Germany issue joint UN resolution on Digital Privacy

Katitza Rodriguez katitza at eff.org
Wed Nov 13 15:14:42 PST 2013

Here is our take on the Brazil and Germany Resolution

Brazil and Germany Proposed UN Resolution Against Mass Surveillance

Brasil y Alemania Condenan la Vigilancia Masiva en las Naciones Unidas

On 11/13/13 11:59 AM, Tamzen Cannoy wrote:
> On Nov 13, 2013, at 7:38 AM, Griffin Boyce <griffin at opentechinstitute.org> wrote:
>>  In it, they state that they are "deeply concerned" at human rights violations resulting from digital surveillance and the overall trend away from privacy.  It's a great read, and I *highly* recommend sharing it with your friends.  
>> http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N13/544/07/PDF/N1354407.pdf
>> best,
>> Griffin
> This URL doesn't work. Have a better pointer?
> Tamzen

Katitza Rodriguez
International Rights Director
Electronic Frontier Foundation
katitza at eff.org
katitza at datos-personales.org (personal email)

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