[liberationtech] Survey on the security of human rights defenders, activists and journalists

Brian Conley brianc at smallworldnews.tv
Mon Nov 11 16:13:38 PST 2013

Hi Security First,

I see from your survey your familiar with a variety of mobile tools. How
will your work be different? What qualifies you to provide this kind of

Also I hope your tools will be open source.

I'd very much be interested in speaking further, and seeing how we might
collaborate, as this is a field I work a lot in.



On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 9:27 AM, Security First <secfirstmd at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi LiberationTech,
> We're a small group of human rights defenders based in the UK (we will
> give a more formal announcement soon!) doing some work to develop mobile
> tools for the physical security of human rights defenders, activists and
> journalists.
> It would be a great help to us while we are still in the early development
> phase if we could get some feedback from the group about some of the
> physical security problems they face - to help us prioritise our
> development work.
> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1LRATeUm2hmzIBBYAg8LtMxcx6W6X4Fl1iYF-Lqe0FiM/viewform
> Also, if there are people in London interested in grabbing a coffee then
> please do drop us a mail!
> Many thanks,
> Security First.
> www.secfirst.org
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Brian Conley

Director, Small World News


m: 646.285.2046

Skype: brianjoelconley
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