[liberationtech] East Bay Mini Maker Labs -- Soon in San Leandro

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Nov 10 07:00:10 PST 2013

From: john lunger <justj1915 at yahoo.com>

East Bay Maker Labs is ready to roll this Friday at 5:30pm!  
East Bay Maker Labs is basically the beginnings of a hackerspace in San 
Leandro, CA
There will be kids workshops and adult workshops. 

Activities ranging from build your own 3 D printer and an introduction to 
Makerspaces to making a bunny copter and R2D2 LED ornament out of paper 
toilet roll. 

If we receive enough interest here at this site and there are people from 
Hayward we can utilize the pool that we receive at this event to start 
working on a space in Hayward, but first lets just support what is going on 
in San Leandro and bring that Maker Movement down south in time. Regardless 
of our locale, we are part of the Maker community! 

Judi Clark of San Leandro Co-Working has graciously footed the bill herself 
to rent this space for a total of three months!!!!!!

She is an amazing generous person. Let's help her recoup that money by 
coming and showing some Maker support! 

If you have something to teach, contact her. She has a google doc that she 
can send to you. 

If you or your kids would like to participate come on down and do some 
activities with us. 

Can we have a general count about how many people can make it this Friday 
and Saturday?

Friday from 5;30-8pm and Sat 10-1am, This will insure we have plenty of 
materials for everyone! 

Please send a RSVP to Judi through the website. 

Carolyn and John
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