[liberationtech] Ubuntu Privacy Remix remix?

anon14959 at Safe-mail.net anon14959 at Safe-mail.net
Wed Nov 6 08:20:25 PST 2013

> On 11/5/2013 2:35 PM, anon14959 at Safe-mail.net wrote:
>> It's about making a box really offline. Privacy is just part of
>> the name of the distro from my example. Privacy is coming anyway. 
>> Security is about not getting my computer stolen. And for that I 
>> want to have full disk encryption.
> I would heartily second Whonix then; You run whatever OS you like on
>  the box that will support VirtualBox, and then Whonix runs two 
> customized Debian VM's inside that, with one being a Tor gateway, and
> the other configured to *only* talk to that gateway. You can run full
> disk encryption on the hardware and everything is locked down tight.
> For the uber paranoid, you could install your VM's and Whonix inside
> a TrueCrypt hidden volume and *nothing* will show short of a major
> forensics tear down of your physical device - or crappy OPSEC on your
> part...

So «it's about making a box offline» gives me an answer about how I can
stuck a few virtual machines on top of each other to get what?
Networking! I am really really sorry, but dude, what does **offline**
mean to you? Paying someone to install a third and fourth ethernet card?

I'll quote my original message and let you find out how
pushing Whonix fits the bill:

anon14959 at Safe-mail.net:
> Trying the now rather dated Ubuntu Privacy Remix I figured out any 
> recent distribution would do. Just the ability to disable networking 
> by hand and that's all.
> It has to be made for flash media. Meaning writing to the disk only 
> if necesary.
> It would be nice to be privacy aware, meaning it can have at least 
> some part encrypted.
> It has to be able to interact with encrypted drives. Luks, encfs, 
> truecrypt.
> But do you know anything that would fit the bill? Security is of no 
> interest for such a distribution.

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