[liberationtech] dark mail alliance

phreedom at yandex.ru phreedom at yandex.ru
Fri Nov 1 23:31:38 PDT 2013

On Saturday, November 02, 2013 01:22:02 AM Maxim Kammerer wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 12:47 AM, Tony Arcieri <bascule at gmail.com> wrote:
> > tl;dr: a Bitcoin-like global append-only log can enable the secure mapping
> > of human-meaningful names to cryptographic keys
> You are still trusting a third party — a P2P network and the
> computational effort it represents, in this case — and in addition
> have a non-trivial monetary cost of entry once the system resembles
> anything scalable. So you have to both pay money (with all the
> implications on anonymity and ease of use, among other things) to have
> a meaningful name, and reduce your address security to one of exploit
> resistance of some buggy DHT implementation running on nodes you have
> no control of.

And you still have problems with phishing thanks to being able to "register" a 
similar domain.

Of course, despite its shortcomings, namecoin is better than the existing 
"global namespaces" which are outright run by hostile entities.

Global namespaces seem to be a solution looking for a problem though. In the 
world full of QR codes and text messaging, sharing your unique ID is not a 
problem, bookmarking/address book handles assigning a memorable name or even 
several descriptive names.

How many people use google search bar as their address bar to locate the sites 
they already know about? Which of the window manufacturers/installers should 
get windows.com domain?

What is the use case for a global namespace? I for sure won't shed a tear if 
it disappears.

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