[liberationtech] Medill online Digital Safety Guide

Scott Elcomb psema4 at gmail.com
Wed May 29 20:29:43 PDT 2013

On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 6:21 PM,  <frank at journalistsecurity.net> wrote:
> If journalists and other users should avoid all commercial based
> operating systems including Macs, or any system requiring anti-virus
> software, then what operating system should they use? Linux maybe? Or
> something else?

My $0.02 suggestions: Linux, BSD <http://distrowatch.com/> or Plan 9

ReactOS <http://www.reactos.org/> might be worth a mention too; it's
an Open Source, Windows-compatible, OS.  Included here for anyone who
might be interested in doing further research/testing. ;-)

> Similarly, if they shouldn't use GUI-based email clients, what email
> should they use?

Again, my $0.02:

Linux, BSD: Mutt <http://www.mutt.org/>

Plan 9*: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Plan_9_applications#Email_and_News_programs>

ReactOS: Mutt via Cygwin <http://www.cygwin.com/> or possibly Mutt 32

* I haven't worked with email on Plan9 as yet x)

  Scott Elcomb
  @psema4 on Twitter / Identi.ca / Github & more

  Atomic OS: Self Contained Microsystems

  Member of the Pirate Party of Canada

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