[liberationtech] And right on cue, the flush our civil liberties down the toilet boys rear their ugly heads

Rich Kulawiec rsk at gsp.org
Tue May 28 07:09:30 PDT 2013

I note that while the images/video captured might help to *solve* this case,
no quantity of them would have prevented it...and thus the loss of
life and limb.  It's clear that the perpetrators (a) knew how many
cameras would be there and (b) did not care -- in fact, they may
have chosen the location BECAUSE of the cameras.

After all, there are plenty of crowds in other places.  But on the day
of the race, the finish line area of the Boston Marathon probably has
more cameras per square foot than any other location on the planet.
If it was the goal of the attackers to ensure that their attack was
captured on video/photo and endlessly reproduced to the country and
indeed the world, then adding *more* cameras -- as the Boston PD chief
has suggested -- will make that area less safe, not more.

Schneier's (as usual) spot-on assessment:



p.s. Side thought: maybe if the FBI spent less time concocting fake terror
plots so that they could brag about busting them, they'd have more time
to focus on real ones.

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