[liberationtech] A Mac Attack ...

Robert Mathews (OSIA) mathews at hawaii.edu
Mon May 20 13:59:22 PDT 2013

*Mac malware signed with Apple ID infects activist's laptop
*Backdoor took screenshots, sent them to attackers.*

by Dan Goodin - May 17 2013, 1:50pm EDT

Stealthy Mac OS X spyware that was digitally signed with a valid Apple
Developer ID has been detected on the laptop of an Angolan activist
attending a human rights conference, researchers said.

The backdoor, which is programmed to take screenshots and send them to
remote servers under the control of the attackers, was spread using a
spear phishing e-mail
<https://twitter.com/ioerror/status/335161266941353985>, according to
privacy activist Jacob Appelbaum. Spear phishing is a term for highly
targeted e-mails that address the receiver by name and usually appear to
come from someone the receiver knows. The e-mails typically discuss
topics the two people have talked about before. According to
<http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002554.html> AV provider
F-Secure, the malware was discovered during a workshop showing freedom
of speech activists how to secure their devices against government

[ .... ]

* Dr. Robert Mathews, D.Phil.
* Distinguished Senior Research Scholar
* National Security Affairs & U.S Industrial Preparedness
* Office of Scientific Inquiry and Applications
* University of Hawai'i
* Secure Messaging/Voice/Video available/

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