[liberationtech] Giving a talk on 3D printing and need some help

Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes alps6085 at gmail.com
Thu May 16 09:47:04 PDT 2013

2 hours! great! Any chance you could record it on video and post it
somewhere? Video is so much better than print for dissemination of
useful information!
Best Regards | Cordiales Saludos | Grato,

Andrés L. Pacheco Sanfuentes
<alps at acm.org>
+1 (817) 271-9619

On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 9:06 AM, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu> wrote:
> From: Phil Broussard <phillip at squidfoo.com>
> Long story short, I have to give a last minute talk on 3D printers
> tonight. They have it listed as a 2 hour presentation so I need some
> help. To make matters worse the only printer we have working decided
> to have a stepper motor die. So now I have 10 hours to make this work.
> Any good suggestions on topics I should cover? I'm going to try and
> cover open source hardware, history, how printers work, current uses
> and anything else you guys can help me think of. I'm also going to try
> and put together a one page handout that will help get people more
> information on 3d printers.
> So anything you all can do to help me out would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Phil
> --
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