[liberationtech] Internet Historiography

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu May 16 09:30:34 PDT 2013

From: Adam Fish <rawbird at gmail.com>

Anybody know of articles or books analysing 1) the political historiography
of the internet. Who has criticized the historiography of the internet as
being written for political gain?

Secondly, any research on 2) the space shared by classic liberalism,
technology, and history?

 I am writing this piece on how Obama’s statement on “the internet… you
didn’t build that,” celebrating social liberal federal investments in
technology, has been (mis)interpreted by various political actors.

Any leads?


Adam Fish, PhD

Media and Cultural Studies

Department of Sociology

Lancaster University, UK


p. 01524592699

a.fish2 at lancaster.ac.uk

@mediacultures, mediacultures.org

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