[liberationtech] New Yorker debut's Aaron Swartz's 'Strongbox.'

R. Jason Cronk rjc at privacymaverick.com
Wed May 15 11:19:56 PDT 2013

Is there a technical write up of the architecture anywhere?

On 5/15/2013 1:17 PM, Sarah Lai Stirland wrote:
> http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/newsdesk/2013/05/strongbox-and-aaron-swartz.html 
> http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/backissues/2013/05/strongbox-the-new-yorker-investigates.html
> -- 
> Sarah Lai Stirland
> Senior Writer
> techPresident
> Tel: 415-859 9749
> Twitter:@LaiStirland
> http://techpresident.com/blog/76848
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*R. Jason Cronk, Esq., CIPP/US*
/Privacy Engineering Consultant/, *Enterprivacy Consulting Group* 

  * phone: (828) 4RJCESQ
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