[liberationtech] Peruvians To President: Our Digital Rights Are Non-Negotiable

Damian Fossi damianfossi at gmail.com
Sat May 11 09:40:08 PDT 2013

Sure, I can help to spread the word in Venezuela. Do you have the article
in spanish?

On 11 May 2013 01:57, Katitza Rodriguez <katitza at eff.org> wrote:

> any help getting the word out would be very much welcome!
> Peruvians To President: Our Digital Rights Are Non-Negotiable
> https://www.eff.org/es/**deeplinks/2013/05/peruvians-**
> president-our-digital-rights-**are-non-negotiable<https://www.eff.org/es/deeplinks/2013/05/peruvians-president-our-digital-rights-are-non-negotiable>
> --
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Damián D. Fossi Salas > ¡Software Libre hasta el 2 mil siempre!

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