[liberationtech] CPSR dissolution and Gary Chapman, Winner of CPSR's Norbert Wiener Award

Jayne Cravens jc at coyotecommunications.com
Thu May 9 20:02:40 PDT 2013

On 2013-05-07 20:50, Doug Schuler wrote:

> Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility Dissolution and
> Gary Chapman, Winner of CPSR's Norbert Wiener Award for Social and
> Professional Responsibility
> It is my unenviable task to announce that Computer Professionals for
> Social Responsibility (CPSR), a non-profit educational corporation,
> has been dissolved.

It's taken me two days to process all this...

I'll start with Gary Chapman: when I was directing the Virtual 
Volunteering Project at the University of Texas at Austin from 1996 - 
2001, Gary was an immediate supporter - which, once I knew him and his 
work, wasn't surprising at all - he understood the human side of 
technology and immediately understood what the project was trying to do. 
I so loved reading his blog, and I so enjoyed corresponding with him 
over the years, even after I left UT for the UN. His loss is still so 

As for CPSR - I attended their annual meeting in 1994 in La Jolla. I 
found the agenda online:
I was working for a small federally-funded nonprofit, and brand new to 
the Internet (though not to computers and software, from a user's point 
of view). It was a life-changing event for me. It's where I learned 
about accessibility, especially for people with disabilities, as well as 
got to meet Phil Agre and Art McGee. I could go on and on regarding what 
that conference did for me in terms of inspiring me and my work. I owe 
so much to CPSR for that conference alone - I can trace so much of the 
work I've done over the last almost 20 years to that conference.

I'm very disappointed to hear that CPSR is no more. I thank everyone 
associated with it for all your work, which continues - and will 
continue - to inform mine and countless others.

Ms. Jayne Cravens MSc
Portland, Oregon, USA

The web site - http://www.coyotecommunications.com
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