[liberationtech] Internet off in Syria?
kheops at ceops.eu
Wed May 8 08:05:00 PDT 2013
Le 08/05/2013 16:55, Rafal Rohozinski a écrit :
> The SecDev's Syria Operations Group detected 60 of 67 net blocks
> returning at 1600 hrs. local time. Connectivity is restored in most
> major cities and governorates with the exception of those with damaged
> infrastructure (see embedded map). Circumvention systems are back online.
> Sources in Syria suggest that the blackout may have been caused by a
> technical error rather than intentionally.
A 20-hour long technical error, starting more or less during a peak hour
(evening/late evening)?
It sounds a little bit weird to me but who knows :)
> Further info at: https://www.facebook.com/Syrian.DS
> Rafal
> On May 8, 2013, at 10:50 AM, Enrique Piraces <piracee at hrw.org
> <mailto:piracee at hrw.org>> wrote:
>> I see a few machines from Syrian Computer Society are accessible.
>> On May 8, 2013, at 10:16 AM, Walid AL-SAQAF wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> It seems connectivity is slowly returning to Syria. I noticed some
>>> connections from MTN-SYRIA to my server.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Walid
>>> -----------------
>>> Walid Al-Saqaf
>>> Founder & Administrator
>>> alkasir for mapping and circumventing cyber censorship
>>> https://alkasir.com
>>> PGP: https://alkasir.com/doc/admin_alkasir_pub_key.txt
>>> On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 11:19 AM, KheOps <kheops at ceops.eu> wrote:
>>>> Morning/afternoon/evening all,
>>>> Le 08/05/2013 09:54, Walid AL-SAQAF a écrit :
>>>>> Hi Brian, Tiago and other friends,
>>>>> I can confirm that users from Syria have stopped using my Alkasir
>>>>> servers for accessing the Internet since yesterday at noon. Looking at
>>>>> my records, it appears it stopped totally after noticing a decline in
>>>>> the number of connections in recent days. It appears that what we
>>>>> feared
>>>>> would happen has just happened.
>>>>> Let's keep monitoring to see if any are able to get online from Syria.
>>>> My DNS server traffic from Syria also dropped to zero.
>>>> Some people have been working overnight to try to see if landlines still
>>>> work in some cities, to see if dialup can be used.
>>>> Info has been gathered there: https://pad.hacktivist.me/p/landlines
>>>> Best,
>>>> KheOps
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