[liberationtech] Hacker sentencing

Gabriella Coleman gabriella.coleman at mcgill.ca
Wed May 8 07:13:26 PDT 2013

Hi everyone,

So I writing you to gather some very targeted "intel" about hax0rs and
sentencing .

My RA, Maya Richman, is about to embark on a research project that
addresses differential hacker sentencing in Germany, Australia, Japan,
UK, France, Canada, Sweden, US and the Netherlands.

The project will be geared towards documenting and comparing fines and
jail times for sentenced, preferably non-malicious, hackers, although a
few pure criminal cases would also help gauge differences in sentences.

So far it has been difficult to gather the names of the "Kevin
Mitnick's" of each respective country--hackers breaking laws for
non-criminal purposes--as the media focuses on credit-card and
celebrity-targeted hacks. My sense is the US is exceptionally harsh but
we don't have the data to back it up. We also prefer arrests and
sentencing that have transpired in the last 15 years but we will gladly
take names from earlier periods as well. A handful of straight up
computer crime cases (for carding for instance) will also be useful as well.

If you can point us to names of hackers who were sentenced or key events
that you think are representative and influential for computer crime law
in the countries listed above it would really help us get this
project off the ground.

Please include Maya and I on the reply as I am only subscribed by digest
and I don't think she is on this list (but may very well be after this
email ;)

All best,
Gabriella Coleman
Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy
Department of Art History & Communication Studies
McGill University
853 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, PQ
H3A 0G5

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