[liberationtech] Internet off in Syria?

KheOps kheops at ceops.eu
Wed May 8 02:19:54 PDT 2013

Morning/afternoon/evening all,

Le 08/05/2013 09:54, Walid AL-SAQAF a écrit :
> Hi Brian, Tiago and other friends,
> I can confirm that users from Syria have stopped using my Alkasir
> servers for accessing the Internet since yesterday at noon. Looking at
> my records, it appears it stopped totally after noticing a decline in
> the number of connections in recent days. It appears that what we feared
> would happen has just happened. 
> Let's keep monitoring to see if any are able to get online from Syria. 

My DNS server traffic from Syria also dropped to zero.

Some people have been working overnight to try to see if landlines still
work in some cities, to see if dialup can be used.

Info has been gathered there: https://pad.hacktivist.me/p/landlines


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