[liberationtech] Important Iranian Filternet Changes

Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) lists at infosecurity.ch
Sun May 5 07:32:56 PDT 2013

On 5/5/13 12:57 PM, Collin Anderson wrote:
> Readers of Libtech may be interested in the changes to the filtering 
> regime that were imposed a few hours ago. Currently traffic streams, 
> at least unknown streams if not all, are being dropped after exactly 
> sixty seconds, terminating the connection. It appears this is based on 
> protocol rather than port, implying DPI, and thus likely to disrupt 
> nearly every anti-filtering tool, including those that leverage 
> obfsproxy.
> tcpdump screenshot, need to clean pcap: 
> https://twitter.com/CDA/status/330996371677130752
What's about "unknown" UDP-based protocol (that are stateless, so not 
subject to TCP reset) ?


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