[liberationtech] CFP: Quantifying Politics Using Online Data: SSCR Journal Special Issue

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu May 2 11:26:58 PDT 2013

Quantifying Politics Using Online Data
Special Issue -- Social Science Computer Review Journal


Submission deadline:  Abstracts: June 1, Papers: July 7, 2013
Submission website:  https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=qpol2013

Large web-based datasets make possible political studies at a scale
inconceivable just a few decades before. Everything from personal
opinions to popular political movements leaves a footprint online, and
provides a first-hand account of both everyday and historic events.
This new data also calls for new approaches -- quantitative methods
developed in the realms of political and social science, but also in
data analysis and mining. Applied to online data, these make possible
language modeling, topic tracking, novelty detection, social network
mining, and many more types of analyses, all providing new insights
into the social and political realities. This special issue focuses on
the application of quantitative methods in political analysis of
online data. The sources of such data may be, but are not limited to
Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, news comments, Wikipedia edits, discussion
forums, blogs, etc.

Social Science Computer Review (SSCR) is an interdisciplinary journal
covering social science instructional and research applications of
computing, as well as societal impacts of information technology.

Impact Factor: 1.075
Ranked: 58 out of 99 in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary
Applications, 26 out of 89 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary and
28 out of 83 in Information Science & Library Science
Source: 2011 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2012)

Important Dates

June 1, 2013 -- Abstracts (1 page excluding references) due
June 7, 2013 -- Abstracts notifications sent out
July 7, 2013  -- Paper submission deadline (11h59pm Hawaii time,
August 20, 2013 -- Author notification sent out
September 1, 2013 -- Camera ready version due
November 1, 2013 -- Expected online publication date
February 15, 2014 -- Expected print publication date

Submission Instructions

Submitted papers should not be under review for any other conference
or journal, and should be significantly different from previously
published work, and should present original contributions. Duplicate
submissions will be rejected.

The special edition will apply a two-step reviewing process. The
1-page abstract, due by June 1, will be reviewed by the editors and
checked for (i) topical relevance, (ii) presentation quality, (iii)
novelty, and (iv) at least one quantitative finding, meaning that
there has to be at least one number in the abstract that quantifies
some aspect of politics. Authors of abstracts that satisfy the
conditions are then invited to submit a full paper by July 7. This
paper will then undergo a conference style reviewing cycle to ensure
timely publication. All submissions will be reviewed by at least three
distinct experts. Additional external reviewers might be called upon
depending on the submission volume. Authors will receive acceptance
notification and detailed feedback from the reviewers on August 20.


    Use this template
meaning submissions must be:
        Only OpenOffice or MS Word .doc or .docx file format
        12 point font, double-spaced (including references)
        Target page count: 25 pages, maximum: 40 pages, including
citations and figures

    For more formatting information see Submission Details,

Abstract submission website:


Yelena Mejova, Yahoo! Research Barcelona
Ingmar Weber, Qatar Computing Research Institute

Program Committee

Bob Boynton, Political Science, University of Iowa, USA
Andrew Dowdle, Political Science, University of Arkansas, USA
Deen Freelon, School of Communication, American University, USA
Justin Grimmer, Political Science, Stanford University, USA
Brian Keegan, Political Science, Northeastern University, USA
Wolfgang Nejdl, Computer Science, L3S, Germany
Paolo Parigi, Sociology, Stanford University, USA
Marco Pennacchiotti, Computer Science, eBay Inc., USA
Ana-Maria Popescu, Computer Science, Pinfluencer, USA
Maya Ramanath, Computer Science, IIT-Delhi, India
Richard Rogers, New Media & Digital Culture, University of Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
David Rothschild, Economy, Microsoft Research, USA
Adam Sharp, Government, News & Social Innovation, Twitter Inc., USA
Stefan Stieglitz, Kommunikations- und Kollaborationsmanagement,
Universität Münster, Germany
Elad Yom-Tov, Computer Science, Microsoft Research, USA

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