[liberationtech] CfP: Africomm 2013 in Blantyre, Malawi on 25-28 Nov 2013

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat Mar 23 09:41:29 PDT 2013

From: Gertjan van Stam <gertjan.vanstam at worksgroup.org>

5th International IEEE EAI Conference on e-Infrastructure and e-Services 
for Developing Countries,

25-28 November 2013 in Blantyre, Malawi.

Your contributions are invited for research and development of:

* e-Infrastructure: Original ideas, design/implementation of ICT
infrastructures for developing countries
* e-Services: Innovative e-Government, e-Commerce and e-Business
services for developing countries
* Policy & Governance : Presentation/discussion of policies, models,
governance issues and challenges

I would hope we can bring together researchers and practitioners that
meet to discuss relevant African developments in the engineering and
utilization of Information and Communication Technologies, taking into
account the specific cultures and contexts of Africa. The organizing
team is from and in Africa, and this is a prime opportunity to discuss
in an international forum of professionals the wonders and challenges
we discover and face in this challenging and worthwhile realm.

Please encourage all, professors, practitioners and students to file
their contributions!

The dates:
Abstract submission: 30 June 2013
Paper submission: 07 July 2013
Notification of acceptance: 01 September 2013
Camera ready: 30 September 2013
Conference dates: 25-28 November 2013

Hoping to see you in Blantyre in November,


Gertjan van Stam
Skype: gertjan_van_stam
Telephone: +263776638773
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