[liberationtech] skype

Eric S Johnson crates at oneotaslopes.org
Wed Mar 20 19:39:59 PDT 2013

Dear LibTechers,


When Microsoft applied in 2009 for a patent on "recording agents" to surveil
peer-to-peer communications, it was assumed they were talking about
something they might implement in Skype.

Skype in 2010 started rearchitecting its use of supernodes "to improve

MS stated in 2012 that the re-engineering is "to improve the user

The recent report in the Russian media that MS can trigger individual users'
Skype instances to establish session-specific encryption key exchange not
with "the other end" but with intermediate nodes (thus making possible
inline surveillance of Skype communications-presumably VoIP, since MS
already stores Skype IM sessions "for 30 days")-dovetails nicely with
suspicions that MS is making (or has made) Skype lawful-intercept-friendly.


But wouldn't the above evolution require changes in the Skype client, too?
Does anyone know of any work to identify whether it's possible to say "if
you keep your Skype client below version 4.4 [for instance], any newer
capability to remotely trigger individually-targeted
surveillance-by-intermediate-node isn't (as) there"?





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