[liberationtech] list reply-all

Andrew Lewis me at andrewlew.is
Wed Mar 20 02:11:07 PDT 2013

I find myself agreeing. While emails that reply to all when the
intentioned recipient is a just a specific friend are tragic, the
default reply to behavior for most emails on this list(or at least
mine) is to the entire list. That's what a mailing list is for?


On Mar 20, 2013, at 9:52 PM, Maxim Kammerer <mk at dee.su> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 9:36 AM, Michael Allan <mike at zelea.com> wrote:
>> But it now appears that safety is a concern (as Matt points out),
>> which wasn't originally understood.  Since it's a question of safety
>> vs. convenience, then maybe it's better to revert immediately to the
>> default setting (the safer one).
> How about no? Any decent mailing list uses reply-to-list as a default.
> The original survey stated:
> Reply to entire list or individual sender:
> - Advantage of replying to individual sender includes preventing
> personal replies from being inadvertently sent to the entire list.
> Advantages of replying to entire list include:
> - Preventing people who forward emails from the list from
> unnecessarily exposing subscribers' email addresses
> - Preventing list server from having to filter email to subscribers
> who are in To: or Cc: (if anything goes wrong, they get an email
> twice)
> - Reducing both the strain on the server and the risk of triggering spam filters
> So no new information has been brought in this thread.
> --
> Maxim Kammerer
> Liberté Linux: http://dee.su/liberte
> --
> Too many emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by emailing moderator at companys at stanford.edu or changing your settings at https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech

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