[liberationtech] Satellite phones for Rohingya in Burma

Heather heathermarsh at riseup.net
Sun Mar 17 12:03:38 PDT 2013

Hi all,

For those that aren't aware, 800,000 Rohingya Muslim people in Burma are 
being cut off from communication as the military and government try to 
drive them out of the country. Over 100,000 are being starved to death 
in concentration camps, the rest are driven into boats which 
neighbouring countries are refusing to allow to land. There have been 
two large scale massacres as well, one in June, one in October. Our 
contacts have been saying for weeks there is another massacre planned 
for the end of March, but even if there weren't, they are living in 
houses made of straw and plastic bags with no food or medical aid and 
the rains are coming. This is a full scale genocide supported by the 
current Burma/Myanmar government. Media and aid groups are blocked and 
the people are jailed just for having a TV, they have no phones.

More information, check out over 100 pages of links here 
http://topsy.com/s/georgiebc+Rohingya?window=a the #Rohingya tag on 
Twitter or google.

We have a way to hopefully get some journalists in to document war 
crimes. We need satellite phones for the Rohingya people as well, as 
many as possible, donated would be great. If anyone has any ideas for a 
good phone source it would be appreciated.

All the best,

Heather Marsh

@GeorgieBC on Twitter

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