[liberationtech] EFF: National Security Letters Are Unconstitutional, Federal Judge Rules

Griffin Boyce griffinboyce at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 22:31:19 PDT 2013

Ali-Reza Anghaie <ali at packetknife.com> wrote:

> These wins, even if not permanent, are very meaningful.
> Well done. Well done indeed. -Ali

  They also give a window in which more positive action can happen.
 Despite being very busy, I'm asking Twitter for a comment on the ruling.
 Whether or not they respond, I'm sending them a formal request for status
of my accounts, and hope that others will follow suit.

  Tonight I told someone whose accounts have certainly been subject to NSL
requests that this had been declared unconstitutional.  I will never forget
the look on their face....

  This entire case has been extremely important and necessary for us to
move forward.  As activists, sure.  But as a people also.  These ridiculous
legal maneuverings have been allowed to continue for far too long.  It's a
good day for everyone.


"What do you think Indians are supposed to look like?
What's the real difference between an eagle feather fan
and a pink necktie? Not much."
~Sherman Alexie

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