[liberationtech] TA3M this Monday - International spread out

Douwe Schmidt douwe at greenhost.nl
Fri Mar 15 08:46:42 PDT 2013

Techno-Activism Third Mondays (TA3M)[1] is an informal monthly meetup designed to connect technoactivists, hacktivists and people like you who are interested in circumvention, anti-censorship and anti-surveillance tech. TA3M happens already in New York, San Francisco and Madison and, as of this month, Amsterdam joins the list! Each #TA3M event is run slightly differently. However, each event will provide individuals with opportunity to hear from others in the field, and share their work and/or ideas. See details here: http://wiki.openitp.org/events:techno-activism_3rd_mondays

If you are interested in hosting your own 3rd Mondays event in your city, contact sandraordonez at openitp.org

This month's program by city:

San Francisco:
San Francisco's meetup will include discussions on drones, focusing specifically on threats, opportunities, and the law. Present will be Parker Higgins and Trevor Timm, the masterminds behind EFF's drone analysis program. Compering will be Yan Zhu, co-ordinator of the recent Aaron Swartz Memorial Hackathons. For location and more info, visit http://wiki.openitp.org/events:techno-activism_3rd_mondays:san_fran

Several topics proposed including: Monkeysphere, Project hackathon! How to Hack on: MediaGoblin, and FreedomBox. 
For location and more info, visit http://wiki.openitp.org/events:techno-activism_3rd_mondays:madison

New York:
Security consultant Tom Ritter will present Remailers: A Tool for Anonymous Email. Tom will be discussing how remailers work, what remailer systems are available today, their status and some current issues with them, and end up posing the question: Are Remailers still Relevant? 
For location and more info, visit http://wiki.openitp.org/events:techno-activism_3rd_mondays:new_york

Various speakers will present their work. For location and more info, visit http://wiki.openitp.org/events:techno-activism_3rd_mondays:amsterdam

- Simone Halink of Bits of Freedom will talk about @bitsoffreedom 's fight against governments proposal to hack foreign computers and @bitsoffreedom's campaign for more transparency of government data requests with online services.

- Nathan Freitas of the Guardian Project gives a talk on secure chat (OTR) via Gibberbot and secure calling (ZRTP) via OStel

- 5 Minutes MateCryptoCrate Before, between and after the official talks the MateCryptoCrate is open for you to present your ideas, theories and projects. Use an empty bottle and a spoon (will be provided) to ask for attention.

- Workshop with Nathan Freitas Hands-on workshop on securing your devices. Bombard Nathan with your questions, install the apps and exchange your signatures.

We invite a diverse crowd from different communities developing or using technology for change. We hope TA3M will become a useful platform for sharing knowledge, inspiration and get to know new people and projects.

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