[liberationtech] Seeking nominations for APSA-ITP Best Conference Paper Award in 2012

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu Mar 14 09:38:27 PDT 2013

From: Jeff Gulati <JGulati at bentley.edu>

 Dear Colleagues,****

I am writing on behalf of the APSA ITP Section committee to select *The 
Best Conference Paper Award **to solicit** *nominations recognizing the 
best conference paper on the intersection of technology and political 
science published in the 2012 calendar year.  The committee encourages both 
self-nominations and nominations from other people in the field.  Please 
send all nominations to JGulati at bentley.edu<http://apsaitp.org/awards/call-for-nominations/JGulati@bentley.edu> by 
April 7, 2013. Thank you.****

** **

Best wishes,****

** **

*Jeff Gulati,*****

Ken Rogerson, and ****

Christopher Mascaro****


Jeff Gulati, Associate Professor of Political Science<https://faculty.bentley.edu/details.asp?uname=jgulati> 

Bentley University <http://www.bentley.edu/>****

Coordinator for Public Policy<http://academics.bentley.edu/departments/global-studies/majors-and-minors>major, Dept. 
of Global Studies <http://academics.bentley.edu/departments/global-studies>*

Coordinator for American Studies<http://www.bentley.edu/offices/academic-services/american-studies>concentration, Liberal 
Studies Major<http://www.bentley.edu/undergraduate/academics/liberal-studies-major>

175 Forest St.****

Waltham, MA 02452****


jgulati at bentley.edu****

https://faculty.bentley.edu/details.asp?uname=jgulati ****

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