[liberationtech] Update on Humanity United & USAID Tech Challenge for Atrocity Prevention
Yosem Companys
companys at stanford.edu
Wed Mar 13 09:18:01 PDT 2013
From: Mia Newman <mnewman at humanityunited.org>
I wanted to follow up on my email from last month about the Tech Challenge
for Atrocity Prevention, as we are excited to announce that our second
round formally launched last week. Hopefully you received our email blast
announcement below, but I also wanted to give you an update personally. The
three challenges that are now open are:
*The MODEL <http://www.thetechchallenge.org/#!model> Challenge*: to model
conflict situations to determine community-level risk of violence
(TopCoder) - Geared toward technical coders and data modelers interested in
applying their skills to conflict datasets. The challenge is composed of
two stages: first to discover data and then to model it.
The COMMUNICATE <http://www.thetechchallenge.org/#!communicate> Challenge:
to facilitate on-the-ground communication among communities affected by
conflict (Innocentive) - Ideal for a wide audience with varying backgrounds
to apply their experience and creativity to overcome the challenge of
secure two-way communication.
The ALERT <http://www.thetechchallenge.org/#!alert> Challenge: to develop
improved methods of gathering and verifying information from hard-to-access
conflict areas (OpenIDEO) - This platform was specifically selected to
channel empathy, ideation, and analysis to help communities in conflict
inform the wider world about their situation. With its multi-stage process,
a new part of the challenge is opening every few weeks, and we encourage
you to continue to revisit the site.
We believe the Liberation Tech community is a prime candidate for this
kind of collaboration and innovation. Feel free to contact me or find our
with more information.
Thanks so much!
Mia Newman
John Gardner Fellow | Humanity United
1700 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Ste 520| Washington, DC 20006
mnewman at humanityunited.org | 202.503.3212
Final three challenges now live at
Learn more during a Google+
Friday, March 8th.
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*NOTE: Our program team wanted to make sure you were the first to hear
about our next round of challenges. Here's the joint announcement from
USAID and Humanity United.*
Dear friends and partners,
*We are excited to announce today that Humanity United and USAID are
launching the next round of our **Tech Challenge for Atrocity
*. *
As many of you know, the Tech Challenge opened last October in search of
the most innovative applications of new and existing technologies to help
prevent mass atrocities. We announced the seven winning innovations
our first round a few weeks ago.
The second round tackles the vital issues of (1) modeling conflict
situations to determine community-level risk of violence; (2) facilitating
on-the-ground communication among communities affected by conflict; and (3)
developing improved methods of gathering and verifying information from
hard-to-access conflict areas. To access these challenges, please go to the
Tech Challenge website<http://humanityunited.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1336b663fea2e53f9b0821d91&id=fca9142852&e=c580170197>
We are also diversifying our approach in this next round to use as many
creative processes as possible. Based on the success of the first two
challenges, we will continue to use an “ideation” contest via InnoCentive;
a more collaborative, crowd-sourced process via OpenIDEO; as well as a
multi-phased call for data and algorithm contest via TopCoder.
*Participate in our Google+ Hangout on Friday, March 8 @ 2:00 pm EST. *The
Hangout features first round winners speaking with leading technologists
and human rights experts about the future of technology in the field of
human rights. We will be taking questions via the hashtag #genprevtech on
Twitter and you can watch the live Hangout here:
*Spread the word! *Please encourage your networks to submit their
innovations for the second round for a chance to win up to $10,000 and,
potentially, the opportunity to develop and scale their ideas with Humanity
United and USAID. Forward this e-mail, forward our
or tweet (#genprevtech<http://humanityunited.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=1336b663fea2e53f9b0821d91&id=94e352482d&e=c580170197>)
to help us spread the word! For more information, please see our press
our Frequently
Asked Questions<http://humanityunited.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1336b663fea2e53f9b0821d91&id=7699562498&e=c580170197>
*Tweet this! *
- 2nd round of @HumanityUnited @USAID Tech Challenge now open! Submit
innovations to help prevent atrocities
- What is the future of #tech in #humanrights? Join @USAID
@HumanityUnited Google Hangout on March 8 @ 2pm EST
Thank you so much for your continued interest in the USAID and Humanity
United Tech Challenge for Atrocity Prevention.
We’re grateful for your support as we continue with the next round.
Sarah Mendelson
Deputy Assistant Administrator
Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA)
Michael Kleinman
Director, Investments
Humanity United
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to a friend<http://us1.forward-to-friend1.com/forward?u=1336b663fea2e53f9b0821d91&id=85739f8dcd&e=c580170197>
*Copyright © 2013 Humanity United, All rights reserved.*
You are receiving this e-mail as a recent grantee or partner of Humanity
*Our mailing address is:*
Humanity United
One Letterman Drive
Building D, Suite D3100
San Francisco, CA 94129
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