[liberationtech] Seeking a Mechanism for Secure Communications During a Crisis | InnoCentive Challenge

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat Mar 9 10:38:21 PST 2013


Seeking a Mechanism for Secure Communications During a Crisis

AWARD: $20,000 USD  |  DEADLINE: 4/16/13  |  ACTIVE SOLVERS: 154  |
POSTED: 3/04/13

During conflicts or other political, environmental, or governmental
crises around the world, the most vulnerable populations are often cut
off from critical information and left with limited ability to
communicate within their own communities or with the outside world.

This Challenge seeks a robust and/or secure mechanism, tool, or
process for two-way communication during crises that either augments
existing communications infrastructure, or enables communication in
areas where such infrastructure does not currently exist.

This is an Ideation Challenge with a guaranteed award for at least one
submitted solution.

Source: InnoCentive      Challenge ID: 9933329


Challenge Overview

During conflicts or the crises that precede them, vulnerable
populations are often cut off from critical information and left with
limited ability to communicate within and between their own
communities or with the outside world.  While many existing efforts
aim to improve information flow during crises, the primary focus is
often on information flowing out from the crisis, rather than
information flowing into or amongst the affected populations.

In addition, conflicts and crises often occur in places where existing
telecommunications and Internet infrastructure is sparse or
nonexistent.  Even when such infrastructure is present, it can become
unreliable, compromised and even manipulated by those seeking to do
harm during a crisis.

This Challenge seeks a robust and/or secure mechanism, tool, or
process for two-way communication during crises that either augments
existing communications infrastructure, or enables communication in
areas where such infrastructure does not currently exist.

This is an Ideation Challenge, which has the following unique features:

There is a guaranteed award.  The awards will be paid to the best
submission(s) as solely determined by the Seeker. The total payout
will be $20,000, with at least one award being no smaller than $10,000
and no award being smaller than $3,000.

Solvers are not required to transfer exclusive intellectual property
rights to the Seeker.  Rather, by submitting a proposal, the Solvers
grants to the Seeker a royalty-free, perpetual, and non-exclusive
license to use any information included in their proposal.

After the Challenge deadline, the Seeker will complete the review
process and make a decision with regards to the Winning
Solution(s).All Solvers who submitted a proposal will be notified on
the status of their submissions; however, no detailed evaluation of
individual submissions will be provided.


USAID (United States Agency for International Development) carries out
U.S. foreign policy by promoting broad-scale human progress at the
same time it expands stable, free societies, creates markets and trade
partners for the Unites States, and fosters good will abroad.

Humanity United is a foundation dedicated to building peace and
advancing human freedom. At home and in the corners of the globe where
these ideals are challenged most, we lead and support efforts to lift
up the voices and will of people, ensure good governance and the rule
of law, engage markets and business as a force for change, and
encourage the exploration of promising ideas and innovations to end
conflict and slavery.  All with the belief that everyone has the right
to a life that is peaceful and free.  http://www.humanityunited.org/

Learn more about the joint USAID/Humanity United Tech Challenge for
Atrocity Prevention: http://thetechchallenge.org/#!communicate

For more insights into the Seekers and previous challenges, see this
recent “Seeker Spotlight” feature on InnoCentive.com:

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