[liberationtech] Free Privacy-Friendly (Doku)wiki Hosting

Moritz Bartl moritz at torservers.net
Fri Mar 8 11:55:11 PST 2013


I have spare resources on one of my servers (hosted at EUserv in Jena,
Germany), so one of the things I set up now is free Dokuwiki hosting. I
have tried many wikis over time, and I use Dokuwiki (and ikiwiki) for
many projects myself. It was quite natural to now open this to the public.

What might make this interesting to this community is that I have
configured the server to not keep IP logs at all, and that it comes with
HTTPS support for all wikis (*). I currently keep 3 days worth of access
logs maintly for debugging purposes, after that they are securely wiped
from the (non-flash) drive.

Signup is currently restricted and requires an "invite code". An
unlimited invite code for you is "libtech-ml".

While I do ask for an email address on signup (mostly to limit spam/bulk
signups), I don't keep the used invite code or link the email address to
the wiki, so they are basically 'anonymous'.


Subdomains are available from .informatick.net and .informatick.com. If
you don't like these choices, or want your own (sub)domain pointing at
one of the wikis, no problem.

(*) Currently a wildcard certificate by CAcert that requires the CAcert
root to be installed in your browser. I would need some financial
support for a commercial wildcard certificate ($60/yr).

Moritz Bartl

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