[liberationtech] Hispanohablantes / Spanish-Speaking LibTech Community

Robert Guerra rguerra at privaterra.org
Wed Mar 6 14:01:19 PST 2013

Aqui presente y interesado en contectar con otros hispanhablantes activo en el tema...

(here and interested in connecting with other spanish speakers active on this issue)


R. Guerra
Phone/Cell: +1 202-905-2081
Twitter: twitter.com/netfreedom 
Email: rguerra at privaterra.org

On 2013-03-05, at 11:56 AM, Sandra ordonez wrote:

> Looking to connect for Spanish-speaking LibTech community members for a community initiative. Please reach out to sandraordonez [@] openitp [dot] org 
> ---
> Estoy tratando de conectar con hispanohablantes para un una iniciativa comunitaria. Por favor, ponerse en contacto con sandraordonez [@] openitp [dot] org
> --
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