[liberationtech] Efficient digital one-way communication

Kurtiss Hare kurtiss at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 09:15:37 PST 2013

To increase bitrate, have you considered using fundamental frequencies with
distinct overtone series (partials) instead of pure fundamental

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 11:17 AM, Michael Rogers <michael at briarproject.org>wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 04/03/13 15:56, Jens Christian Hillerup wrote:
> > Nice information, thanks. Would it be wrong to assume larger data
> > rates to be attainable on an FM "link" than over the telephone
> > line? For music etc. FM has far superior sound quality in any
> > case.
> Good point - FM radio stations use 15 kHz of bandwidth for the mono
> audio baseband, so I guess you'll have 30 kHz to play with if you
> transmit in stereo, versus 3 kHz for a phone line.
> > Another thing I didn't tell in my first mail is that I've been
> > wanting to design a protocol for metadata, too, since it doesn't
> > really make sense to decode and save half files anyway. It would
> > also make it possible to send the file names and file sizes
> > beforehand so the receiver can know how much of the file s/he has
> > already received.
> Interesting - I'm working on transport and messaging protocols that
> are suitable for use over one-way channels. Ping me off-list if you're
> interested in collaborating?
> Cheers,
> Michael
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> --
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