[liberationtech] Please help out a student!

Andrew Lewis me at andrewlew.is
Sun Mar 3 15:55:18 PST 2013

Telecomix? Anon? SEA?

Of which I can provide some insight, at least on TCX.

On Mar 4, 2013, at 12:28 PM, Bernard Tyers - ei8fdb <ei8fdb at ei8fdb.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi there,
> I am doing a data visualisation project as part of an MSc programme. Part of it is a timeline of events surrounding the civil war in Syria since the start of 2011.
> The goal of the project is understand the influence of events ("actions" by the Syrian government, "actions" by the groups opposing the Syrian government, public demonstrations and others) on censorship of Syrian Internet access.
> Would anyone be able to point me towards a "timeline" of events in Syria over the past 27 months? I don't know if this exists. Or possibly give some pointers on where to find useful data and how to create one?
> The best I have been able to find is what Google reports as being worldwide searches since January 2011.
> I would appreciate any assistance from anyone with knowledge in the events.
> Knowing the make-up of the list, please accept my apologies if I have made incorrect assumptions, or portrayed things in a simplistic way. It is not my intention to offend.
> thanks in advance,
> Bernard
> - --------------------------------------
> Bernard / bluboxthief / ei8fdb
> IO91XM / www.ei8fdb.org
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> --
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