[liberationtech] MA in Social Media @ University of Westminster

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at uti.at
Fri Mar 1 06:23:12 PST 2013

MA in Social Media, University of Westminster

Dear colleagues,

The University of Westminster has announced a new MA in Social Media 
that is now open for application.

The goal is that students acquire skills and knowledge for being 
critical and reflective social media experts in research and working life.

If you know students or others, who are interested in social media or 
such a degree, then it were great if you could forward them the 



If they have further questions, they can contact either me or my fellow 
Course Leader, Prof. Graham Meikle (g.meikle at westminster.ac.uk).

Christian Fuchs
Christian Fuchs
Professor of Social Media
University of Westminster
Communication and Media Research Institute
c.fuchs at westminster.ac.uk
Tel +44 (0) 20 7911 5000-7380

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