[liberationtech] WC3 and DRM

Mitar mmitar at gmail.com
Wed Jul 31 17:45:07 PDT 2013


On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Jonathan Wilkes <jancsika at yahoo.com> wrote:
> What Doctorow describes wrt Trusted Platform Modules is
> making current crummy computer security slightly better
> by adding hardware crypto, and only slightly better _if_
> the hardware does what it claims to be doing and _if_ the
> specs are written in a way that actually ends up protecting
> users and _if_ that hardware gains traction to _actually_
> protect users instead of lock them down further into
> walled gardens.  I can't think of an analogy where the
> one thing is further in every conceivable way from the
> other thing.

So what is then an alternative to trusting computing modules for
giving that slightly better security? So if I have to chose between
bad security and slightly better with many conditionals, I might want
to still chose the later, no?

Maybe we should stop using CPUs which support virtualization and then
it will be again easier to detect rootkits. Because rootkit detection
of course worked in the past. :-)

I see progress in virtualization as something which then brings
trusted computing modules as well. Because more abstraction layers you
put in between, more you need some technology which can still tell you
where and what you are running. And cloud computing puts even more
layers between the user and bare metal.



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