[liberationtech] stopsurveillance.org: An Open Letter Against Surveillance

ilf ilf at zeromail.org
Thu Jul 25 02:13:22 PDT 2013

In the past few weeks, revelations regarding global surveillance 
mechanisms have resulted in growing awareness and public debates about 
data protection and privacy issues. Unfortunately, not many concrete 
demands have been voiced so far. Therefore, German digital rights 
association Digitale Gesellschaft has drafted a list of twelve 

Please find them in English and sign at

Or attached:

We, the undersigned, hereby call on our governments, national 
parliaments and the European institutions to:

1. Reject unjustified and disproportionate surveillance measures.

2. Ensure respect for the fundamental right to privacy and informational 
self-determination. Prioritise both rights on a national and an 
international level as well as via appropriate measures in the General 
Data Protection Regulation, the upcoming Directive and corresponding 
rules for the European institutions.

3. Ensure high levels ofprotection of privacy and redress mechanisms 
against surveillance measures by third countries in international 

4. Ensure that personal data that are collected and processed in the EU 
may only be transferred to authorities or organisations in third 
countries via mutual legal assistance treaties that contain adequate 
legal safeguards.

5. Ensure the right to confidentiality by ensuring the integrity of 
information technology systems.

6. Ensure that international cooperation between law enforcement, 
judicial bodies and intelligence services is not used to circumvent 
legal protections of fundamental rights.

7. Immediately disclose all treaties, laws and activities affecting the 
right to informational self-determination of individuals residing in the 
respective state and the EU.

8. Legally and financially penalise the violation of privacy of 
individuals by domestic companies as well as by non-EU states and 
companies residing in non-EU countries.

9. Introduce an obligation to issue individual notifications to 
individuals affected by the enforcement of personal computer 
surveillance measures, whether conducted by law enforcement authorities 
or intelligence services.

10. Actively promote free and open source projects for digital 
self-defence and promote the use of this technology.

11. Abandon all surveillance measures currently taking place outside the 
rule of law.

12. Guarantee legal protections for whistleblowers who expose social 
grievances, misconduct or illegal activities.

List of initial subscriber organizations:

- Access Now
- Arbeitskreis gegen Internet-Sperren und Zensur
- Chaos Computer Club e.V.
- Creative Commons Deutschland
- Deutscher Journalisten-Verband
- Digitalcourage e.V.
- Digitale Gesellschaft e.V.
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung
- Freelens
- Free Software Foundation Europe
- Greenpeace Deutschland / Greenpeace in Zentral- und Osteuropa
- Happy Mutants LLC/Boingboing.net
- Initiative für Netzfreiheit
- netzpolitik.org
- Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V.
- Panoptykon Poland
- Privacy International
- Reporter ohne Grenzen e.V.
- Transparency International Deutschland
- Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband e.V.
- Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.


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		-- Eine Initiative des Bundesamtes für Tastaturbenutzung

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