[liberationtech] ENGAGE Open data community

Mikael Nordfeldth mmn at hethane.se
Wed Jul 24 13:51:38 PDT 2013

2013-07-24 22:14, Michael Rogers skrev:
> On 23/07/13 19:33, Mikael "MMN-o" Nordfeldth wrote:
>> PSI is Public Sector Information. It's the common term in European 
>> politics on the subject of open data within the public sector.
>> [...]
>> Oddly enough, it's a quite popular thing within the European
>> Union, despite its other attempts to destroy free flow of
>> information.
> Perhaps that's not so odd if we consider who's in a position to make
> effective use of a giant blob of machine-readable data. Is it (a) the
> average citizen, or (b) the consulting company set up by the former
> public servant who collected that data?

I'm hoping it's (c) the data mining journalist with some programming
skill or at least knows some hackers :)

Mikael Nordfeldth
Xmpp/mail: mmn at hethane.se

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