[liberationtech] Interesting Language in Foreign Appropriations Bill
Collin Anderson
collin at averysmallbird.com
Tue Jul 23 18:53:52 PDT 2013
Tomorrow is the full committee hearing for the House's State and Foreign
Operations Bill for Fiscal Year 2014. Lines 14-18, concerned with the
appropriation of funding for the Broadcasting Board of Governors should be
of interest to many, although I would caution that the same language
appeared in the FY2012 appropriations. If you are in DC you should show up
-- your adversaries certainly are going to.
For a bonus, I also include language on Internet Freedom from the Committee
Report for those rhetoricians and grant writers amongst us.
*Page 15*
6 For necessary expenses to enable the Broadcasting
7 Board of Governors (BBG), as authorized, to carry out
8 international communication activities, and to make and
9 supervise grants for radio and television broadcasting to
10 the Middle East, $691,578,000: Provided, That funds ap-
11 propriated under this heading shall be made available to
12 expand unrestricted access to information on the Internet
13 through the development and use of circumvention and se-
14 cure communication technologies:* Provided further, That*
*15 the circumvention technologies and programs supported*
*16 by such funds shall undergo a review, to include an assess-*
*17 ment of protections against such technologies being used*
*18 for illicit purposes: *Provided further, That of the total
19 amount appropriated under this heading, not to exceed
20 $35,000 may be used for representation expenses, of
21 which $10,000 may be used for representation expenses
22 within the United States as authorized, and not to exceed
23 $30,000 may be used for representation expenses of Radio
24 Free Europe/Radio Liberty: Provided further, That the
25 BBG shall notify the Committees on Appropriations with-
1 in 15 days of any determination by the Board that any
2 of its broadcast entities, including its grantee organiza-
3 tions, provides an open platform for international terror-
4 ists or those who support international terrorism, or is in
5 violation of the principles and standards set forth in sub-
6 sections (a) and (b) of section 303 of the United States
7 International Broadcasting Act of 1994 (22 U.S.C. 6202)
8 or the entity’s journalistic code of ethics:
Internet freedom.—The Committee recommendation also continues the directive
to expand unrestricted access to information on the Internet through the
development and use of circumvention technologies. The Committee is deeply
concerned about the challenges facing those living in closed societies with
hostile Internet environments where access to information and independent
media is severely limited. The Committee urges the BBG to consider
significantly expanding its work to enhance access to information and
independent media, including the operational expansion of field- tested
programs that provide unmonitored and uncensored access to the Internet for
large numbers of users and research and development of existing and new
programs. The Committee commends the BBG for its work in this area and
requests that the operating plan required by section 7076 of this Act
detail amounts planned for internet freedom activities in fiscal year 2014.
*Collin David Anderson*
averysmallbird.com | @cda | Washington, D.C.
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