[liberationtech] Big News in Human Rights: New Funding and Enhanced Tools! « Benetech

Catherine Roy ecrire at catherine-roy.net
Mon Jul 22 20:01:25 PDT 2013

[Apologies for cross-postings]

Hi all,

Thought this might be of interest to this group.

Non-profit Benetech announced today new funding and new technical 
developments for their Human Rights Program through which it provides 
tools for human rights monitoring, namely, its Mobile Martus project.

"The Mobile Martus prototype allows users to send crucial data from the 
field—text, photographs, audio and video—to the Martus network of secure 
servers. The data is automatically encrypted on the mobile phone, and 
when being sent to the server, so it is protected in case the phone is 
lost, stolen or confiscated. The user—or someone they designate—can 
later retrieve their data, and can search, analyze and report on the 
information, using the Martus client software."


I am not affiliated with this organization but I am aware of the work 
they do in the disability sphere, most notably their Bookshare[1] 
initiative, "the world’s largest online library for individuals with 
print disabilities".

Best regards,


[1] https://www.bookshare.org/

Catherine Roy

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