[liberationtech] [cryptography] a Cypherpunks comeback

Ximin Luo infinity0 at gmx.com
Mon Jul 22 04:08:50 PDT 2013

+1, especially since we are trying to promote the idea that crypto is *not*
just for terrorists.

If you are trying to make the point that "by the govt's definition we are all
terrorists" then at least say so somewhere clearly and intelligently (i.e. not
a wall of text that everyone will skip), rather than relying on subtle, uh,
"higher-level", humour that most of us without a literature degree will not


On 22/07/13 08:41, Adam Back wrote:
> Could you please get another domain name, that name is just ridiculous.
> It might tickle your humour but I guarantee it does not 99% of potential
> subscribers...
> Unless your hidden objective is to drive away potential subscribers.
> Adam
> On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 11:07:26AM +0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:
>> ----- Forwarded message from "Riad S. Wahby" <rsw at jfet.org> -----
>> Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 12:41:25 -0400
>> From: "Riad S. Wahby" <rsw at jfet.org>
>> To: cpunks-recipients-suppressed at proton.jfet.org
>> Subject: a Cypherpunks comeback
>> User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)
>> tl;dr:
>> I'm writing to invite you back to the Cypherpunks mailing list. If
>> you're interested, you can join via
>>    https://al-qaeda.net/mailman/listinfo/cypherpunks
>> Hello,
>> In the past couple days I've exchanged emails with John Young and
>> Eugen Leitl on some brokenness in the Cypherpunks mailing list. This
>> discussion brought us to a discussion of attempting to resurrect the
>> list's wetware, as it were, in addition to its software. At Eugen's
>> request, John dug up a couple Majordomo WHO outputs from about 15 years
>> ago; I tidied up the lists, and now I'm writing to you.
>> So! if you still have an interest in crypto, privacy, and politics, and
>> if you want to discuss that interest with a bunch of like-minded weirdos
>> from the aether, you can subscribe yourself via the web interface above
>> or by sending an email with "subscribe" in the body to
>> cypherpunks-request at al-qaeda.net.
>> (I am aware the provocative choice of domain name may discourage you
>> somewhat. I can only tell you that I've been running a Cypherpunks list
>> of some sort from this domain for a bit over a decade, and I haven't yet
>> been spirited away in a black helicopter. Here's hoping for another
>> helicopter-free decade.)
>> Best regards, and welcome back, preemptively,
>> -=rsw
>> on behalf of jya, eugen, and rsw
>> ----- End forwarded message -----
>> -- 
>> Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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