[liberationtech] Iranian Climbers vs. Western Media

Joanne Michele joanne.michele at asafeworldforwomen.org
Sun Jul 21 09:23:29 PDT 2013

Amin, I'm sorry but Vattandoost (on Twitter) told me that there is only a
10% chance Aiden is still alive, and that the other two are gone. I'm so

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 6:38 AM, Amin Sabeti <aminsabeti at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Three Iranian climbers has been lost on Broad Peak and none of the Western
> media hasn't talk about it!
> The Iranian users on Twitter have tried to trend #IranianClimbers and
> #BroadPeak to get an attention from media that they've completely boycotted
> the news. They are so angry because they believe if the Obama's dog was
> died, all media would talk about but the life of three Iranian people
> doesn't an important issue.
> Anyway, you can follow the latest news about this story from here:
> http://altitudepakistan.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/broad-peak-new-route-iranian-climbers.html and
> it would be great, if you circulate the news into your networks.
> Cheers,
> Amin
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*Joanne Michele
*Advocacy Coordinator & Iran Correspondent*
*joanne.michele at asafeworldforwomen.org<andrew.sampson at asafeworldforwomen.org%0d>

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