[liberationtech] Stability in truly "Democratic" decision systems

André Rebentisch tabesin at gmail.com
Fri Jul 19 03:35:34 PDT 2013

Am 18.07.2013 23:20, schrieb Peter Lindener:
>    My work in Social Choice theory, that is maximizing voter
> preference priority information flow is each voter's consistent
> representation across all possible group decision outcomes...turns out
> to be a critical component not only at the point of a group's eventual
> decision, but also during the group's deliberative process where the
> best of emerging alternatives are enduring further evaluation.

The deliberative decision taking fetish often overlooks that the core
issue is contestability, not deliberative consensus.

A perfect servant gets me water exactly when I want it, he does not
bother me with decisions or commanding him.

I advocate that a democratic order should become a perfect servant. Then
voting is just a tool to contest a current rule and re-educate the
governing persons about the genuine nature of their master-servant service.


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