[liberationtech] Blackberry 10 Sends Full Email Account Credentials To RIM

Ali-Reza Anghaie ali at packetknife.com
Thu Jul 18 07:48:10 PDT 2013

This is only ~mildly~ new - this is how they're service always worked
for most non-BEM addresses. From their design standpoint, for the
delivery mode they were promising, it made more sense than having your
device poll constantly (battery).

Obviously it's still not cool - I'm just failing to see why the actual
biggest-breakage here is "new"? -Ali

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 10:25 AM, staticsafe <me at staticsafe.ca> wrote:
> Might be of interest to this list:
> http://frank.geekheim.de/?p=2379 [source]
> http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/BlackBerry-spaeht-Mail-Login-aus-1919718.html
> http://yro.slashdot.org/story/13/07/18/1249236/blackberry-10-sends-full-email-account-credentials-to-rim
> Why, RIM, why?
> --
> staticsafe
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