[liberationtech] How to stop online proxy vote?

Joseph Mornin joseph at mornin.org
Wed Jul 17 13:58:28 PDT 2013

You could also require email confirmation and block the disposable

On 7/17/13 1:28 PM, Sahar Massachi wrote:
> Seconding Florian.
> You could try finding lists of free proxy servers and preventatively
> block them. You could set up a rule that looks for many votes coming in
> either all at once or once every X seconds. 
> You could try requiring cookies and captchas.
> But all of these methods can be circumvented, even by bored compsci majors. 
> Requiring an identity token from an provider like facebook, twitter, etc
> really seems to be your best bet. 
> On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Florian Weimer <fw at deneb.enyo.de
> <mailto:fw at deneb.enyo.de>> wrote:
>     * Buddhadeb Halder:
>     > However it looks some people are misusing the online voting
>     system. Could
>     > you please let me know how to prevent such proxy voting?
>     I think proxy voting is a technical term with a totally different
>     meaning (a proxy is someone who casts a vote on behalf of someone who
>     is absent but otherwise eligible for voting; this may come with or
>     without a mandate to vote in a particular way).
>     One way to avoid double-voting is to associate each vote with an
>     identity from an identity provider such as Facebook.  This may not be
>     what you want, though.
>     Secure online voting is really quite hard, particularly if you want
>     anonymity, secrecy, resistance to coercion, prevention of
>     double-voting, and an audit trail.
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> -- 
> Sahar Massachi
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