[liberationtech] WeChat

Jerzy Łogiewa jerzyma at interia.eu
Mon Jul 15 23:38:15 PDT 2013

I can say with surely that WeChat has some market here in Poland.

Unfortunately I get a few invitation each week that I must decline.

Jerzy Łogiewa -- jerzyma at interia.eu

On Jul 16, 2013, at 12:03 AM, Paul Holden wrote:

> I think part of it is a language problem. But even when the software is
> translated, as has been done with Wechat (微信)and Weibo, it doesn't
> seem to get far outside China. The Weibo English version is a completely
> different site and doesn't seem to have been marketed much in the west.
> I don't know why they made those choices. Based on what I've sen with
> WeChat, its largest markets outside China are Thailand and Malaysia.

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