[liberationtech] WC3 and DRM

Jonathan Wilkes jancsika at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 15 23:04:08 PDT 2013

On 07/15/2013 11:45 PM, Catherine Roy wrote:
> As a member of the HTML working group and the Restricted Media 
> community group, my experience is that discussions within these groups 
> surrounding the EME draft have been extremely frustrating.  The same 
> scenario as with Jeff Jaffe's blog post has happened there. The whole 
> thing has been rather unreal and this recent post[1] from a Restricted 
> Media mailing list member sums up my feelings about how futile the 
> whole exercice has been.
> A group of people have decided to try to build and maintain a profile 
> of HTML5[2] that is more aligned to a human rights perspective. I know 
> they could use some help so if anyone wants to lend a hand, it would 
> certainly be appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Catherine
> [1] 
> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-restrictedmedia/2013Jul/0190.html
> [2] http://freedomhtml.org/

Hi Catherine,
Thanks for the link!  I didn't know about that effort until now.

It seems like there are two fronts-- one, which you address by 
jettisoning EME in freedomhtml, and another which is to keep member 
organizations from standardizing software/hardware on EME.  Is there any 
way for the current members of all the working groups to put pressure on 
the WC3?  If they all banded together and threatened to leave would that 
have any effect on the administration?  It's only anecdotal evidence but 
I see a lot of articulate arguments against EME in the archives I've 
looked over, and no principled stances in favor.

Also, has the EFF's formal objection had any effect?

It's just all mind boggling to me because this draft is the only thing 
I've ever seen from WC3 with the sole purpose of restricting people's 
access to content.


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