[liberationtech] Heml.is - "The Beautiful & Secure Messenger"

Axel Simon axelsimon at axelsimon.net
Mon Jul 15 12:02:00 PDT 2013

In TextSecure, the password unlocks the local db of encrypted SMS messages.
Lose the password, lose the messages.

Also, the point of TextSecure is that it uses text (SMS) messages as a transport, which often work when Internet access (or even plain phone calls) do(es)n't.


Wasabee <wasabee18 at gmail.com> wrote:

>thank for your answer. what is the role of the password? is it used to 
>access the TextSecure app? is it a shared password with the recipient?
>On 10/07/2013 15:29, Albert López wrote:
>> Hello Wasabee,
>> I've used TextSecure but I found that it's like sending encrypted
>> therefore you have the consequent cost associated to it. I don't know
>> if Heml.is will be a kind of secure whatsapp or if it will have the 
>> same approach of TextSecure.
>> Correct me if I'm wrong with the SMS stuff. It was what I thought
>> I received my bill.
>> gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --search-keys EEE5A447
>> http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xEEE5A447&op=vindex
>> Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 14:31:53 +0100
>> From: wasabee18 at gmail.com
>> To: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
>> Subject: Re: [liberationtech] Heml.is - "The Beautiful & Secure
>> https://whispersystems.org/ already has an open-source secure 
>> messaging, voice and more.
>> Has anyone reviewed their code?
>> Does anyone use it?
>> Why not build on top of it?
>> On 10/07/13 14:07, Nick wrote:
>>             noone said it would be closed source. That's peoples
>guess. Like, your guess, I guess.
>>     According to their twitter account, the answer is "maybe":
>>     https://twitter.com/HemlisMessenger/statuses/354927721337470976
>>     Peter Sunde (one of the people behind it) said "eventually", but
>>     in my experience promises like that tend to be broken:
>>     https://twitter.com/brokep/status/354608029242626048
>>         and the feature 'unlocking' aspect of the project - to be
>indication of a
>>         proprietary code base.
>>     Frankly I can't see how they could get the "feature unlock"
>>     stuff to work well if it's proper open source. As I'd expect
>>     to fork it to remove such antifeatures. It's a pity, as several
>>     funding models have been successful recently which are compatible
>>     free software, but this doesn't look to be one of them.
>>     --
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Axel Simon
mail / jabber / gtalk: axelsimon@ axelsimon.net
twitter / identi.ca: @axelsimon
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