[liberationtech] Secure Android guide?

Jerzy Łogiewa jerzyma at interia.eu
Sat Jul 13 11:45:01 PDT 2013

Thank you Julian!

Can you tell me about this "largely" Google-free experience? Is it about the OS being Google, or are some more components still there?

Jerzy Łogiewa -- jerzyma at interia.eu

On Jul 13, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Julian Oliver wrote:

> You can install CyanogenMod - and not install the Google suite - for a pleasant
> and largely Google-free experience. To be safer, don't install a nightly build.
> Take out the SIM card. Flash CyanogenMod using the simple instructions for your
> device on their website. Encrypt the file-system once the device is installed.
> Set up a 6-or-more line swipe pattern without visual feedback (and keep your
> screen clean!). Disable developer mode and MTP browsing, until you need it.
> Connect the device to a wireless network you control. Install DroidWall (or
> similar open source firewall) and lock down any unknown and/or promiscuous
> processes (vastly less with CyanogenMod than Android). Don't use Google Play.
> Download and install OopenVPN client and tunnel to your favourite trusted
> OpenVPN server. Put on OrBot and run the OrWeb Tor browser.  Edit your exit
> nodes to those that suit.  Install Firefox and requisite extensions that protect
> against cookie tracking etc. Use StartPage instead of Google as your default
> search engine.  Don't install any random games or other software. If you need
> something like a PDF reader, be sure it's open source and the APK you download
> checksums out (SHA256).
> I've done the above, more or less, with my last two Android phones. My SIII is
> especially good to work with. I've audited it on the wire and I trust working
> with it so far. How you use it is another thing. If you rarely need to make
> calls over the cellular network then use Airplane Mode until you need to call -
> that'll get you off the grid where cell provider location tracking/logging is
> concerned. Better still, don't use a SIM card at all and tunnel/ZRTP VoIP with
> something like RedPhone.

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