[liberationtech] Mapping Syria

Heather Leson hleson at ushahidi.com
Fri Jul 12 07:04:11 PDT 2013


Syria Tracker <https://syriatracker.crowdmap.com/>, Women Under Siege
Syria<https://womenundersiegesyria.crowdmap.com/>and Syria
Deeply <http://syriadeeply.org/>will join the Ushahidi community for a G+
Hangout about their work - lessons and best practices. (Tuesday, July 16,
2013 @10 - 11am ET)

The session will be moderated by Chris Albon and myself.

You are welcome to join.


Heather Leson
Director of Community Engagement
hleson at ushahidi.com
www.ushahidi.com and https://wiki.ushahidi.com
@heatherleson / skype: heatherleson
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