[liberationtech] Unique Opportunity: Input to CEOs of Smartphone Manufacturers

Eduardo Robles Elvira edulix at wadobo.com
Fri Jul 12 02:24:27 PDT 2013


I'd like to see a mesh mode in the mobile phones. There are currently
lots of mesh software initiatives, but I haven't seen any smartphone
manufacturers support this. In the past, they were dependant of
telecommunication companies to sell their phones, but now some
companies are now starting to sell phones by themselves (Google for
example). A mesh network mode would allow users to communicate even if
there's no other conection, it can be useful to conect with peers in a
demonstration or to transmit stream video to them in case police
breaks your phone.

On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 1:11 AM, Blibbet <blibbet at gmail.com> wrote:
>> (1) A unique key built into each device, which can't be read directly
>> by software, but which can be used to derive other keys (e.g. for disk
>> encryption) at a limited rate, slowing down brute-force attacks
>> against such keys.
>> (2) An effaceable area of flash storage where the operating system can
>> store encryption keys for the entire disk and/or individual files,
>> making it possible to securely delete the corresponding data without
>> having to smash the device into tiny little pieces.
>> (3) A pony.
> Presuming the smartphone is ARM-based, and presuming if (1) is applied,
> it'll probably have ARM TrustZone installed, then:
> (4) Install a modern firmware on your smartphone, with useful security
> features.
> (4a) Linux-based Coreboot. or
> (4b) UEFI.
> Use UEFI's SecureBoot feature, to enhance your Linux/Android/B2G/etc OS,
> something none of your competitors are doing, except MS/Win8. To do so, you
> need TPM on x86 or TrustZone on ARM, and you need to get your OS vendor to
> sign the firmware, and not let MS Win8 hardware logo requirements confuse
> you.
> Beyond the default TianoCore source, leverage Linaro's ARM-centric fork of
> TianoCore, and Intel's MinnowBoard's UEFI which targets Linux
> (Angstrom/Yocto), but neither of these Linux-centric UEFI targets support
> the SecureBoot feature.
> Extend the current UEFI SecureBoot feature, which only targets 1 OS, to one
> that lets you securely boot more-than-1 OS, for systems that want to
> securely multiboot a handful of OSes (not necessarily installed, but later,
> if your device is open, your user may opt to install another distro; your
> job is to gather certs of the major ones, so they can securely boot the main
> distros.)
> (5) Learn from FairPhone's model. Compete with them, by making something
> *more* open.
> Thanks.
> --
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Eduardo Robles Elvira     +34 668 824 393            skype: edulix2
http://www.wadobo.com    it's not magic, it's wadobo!

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