[liberationtech] Crowd steps up to fund 'NSA-proof' app

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu Jul 11 23:06:11 PDT 2013


Crowd steps up to fund 'NSA-proof' app

In just 36 hours, users contributed $100,000 to fund an app designed
to get around state spy agencies like the US National Security Agency
(NSA). Swedish tech entrepreneurs, including Pirate Bay co-founder
Peter Sunde, successfully crowdfunded the planned iOS and Android app
named Heml.is, Swedish for "secret".

The creators claim, "We're building a message app where no one can
listen in, not even us". The project seeks to provide an alternative
to services offered by major tech companies, which they say "have been
forced to open up their systems and hound out information about their


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